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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Accuracy And Accuracy Of Knowledge - 1595 Words

Knowledge is considered accurate when there is sufficient evidence that it is the truth. Over time, methods of verifying the accuracy of knowledge change. As learners, we often equate accuracy with the value of knowledge, however, the value of accuracy is dependent on the area of knowledge under consideration. Today, accuracy in the natural sciences is vital as any error can be catastrophic. In 1986, a flawed reactor and human error caused the Chernobyl disaster that exposed millions to radiation and had significant long term impacts. However in history, complete â€Å"accuracy† is almost unattainable. As historians cannot first-hand experience past events, they can only try to make connections with available sources to suggest what happened†¦show more content†¦Through the constant pursuit of knowledge, people began to put a greater emphasis on empirical evidence rather than religion and its faith in the unobserved, and parts of these sacred texts began to be ignor ed and upon the discovery of new contradicting information, even re-interpreted. In the Age of Enlightenment (1600-1800), there was shift from accepting traditional beliefs to challenging them. This raises the knowledge question, to what extent has knowledge in the natural sciences become more objective and less dependent on religious knowledge over time? For centuries, churches in Italy were repeatedly destroyed by lightning. In 1769, the Church of San Nazaro containing gunpowder exploded after being struck by lightning, destroying one sixth of the city and killing over 3000 people. Despite placing iron rods on roofs being proven successful in preventing lightning strikes, the theory suggested that lightning was an electrical phenomenon, and not controlled by Satan, so the church rejected this. Following the tragedy did the Roman Catholic Church withdraw its objection to lightning rods. In the natural sciences, knowledge is based on what can be observed and proven through experiments. Before scientific discoveries were made, people relied on faith to explain what they could not observe. However, by discovery through trial and error,Show MoreRelatedKnowledge, Error, And Accuracy1356 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Error is as valuable as accuracy in the production of knowledge.† To what extent is this the case in two areas of knowledge? It has been a very famous saying that â€Å"nobody or nothing is perfect† , there is some kind of error in them. From the perspective of human beings, an error has been always seen a bad thing, as an error can be a hurdle between their aim. 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This study was one of the first to examine how print knowledge develops in students with auti sm over time. Dynia et al. (2016) acknowledged that because of

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