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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Ron Ventura Case Study - 1119 Words

Problem Statement: Andy Prescott and other leaders are concerned that Ron Ventura’s personality and behavior will cause more issues with staff at the hospital. They think Ron will cause division and a lack of teamwork within the cardiology departments. This problem conflicts with the Mitchell Memorials mission statement, which emphasizes the importance of a good environment for teamwork. Hypothesis 1: It may be that Ron has an egotistical and abrasive personality that makes him feel like always needs to be the best at everything he does. The Paradox of Excellence tells us that often high achievers are often afraid to fail. That is why many high achievers do not vary from what they know. This could be why Ron acts the way he does towards†¦show more content†¦If Ron would increase his emotional intelligence and his personal competence he would be able to work with others in a more effective and efficient way. Hypothesis 2: Ron may have been focused on the task that Prescott gave him, which was to increase revenues and strengthen the vascular surgery department. Ron’s personality and traits make him very goal oriented. When he came into Mitchell Memorial his task from Prescott was to build the vascular surgery department and increase revenues. Ron did not think he had the time to get everyone on board, so he thought they should just fall in line with his surgical and leadership style. Instead of getting to know everyone and their styles of operation, Ron dove right into his task and stayed focused. Ron is an Alpha Type, which means he has a need for power. That is the main reason he took the job at Mitchell Memorial, he wanted the chief of vascular surgery title. Ron’s egocentric thinking made him believe that he could manage, even if everyone was not on board with his leadership/teaching style. Many residents and surgical interns have left his program, because they feel he demeans them in the way he speaks to them. This, in turn, has led to a lack of communication and teamwork in the cardiology and vascular surgical areas. Oth er surgeons have said, â€Å"He always thinks he needs to the drive the bus and he won’t listen† (Cespedes and Abelli, 2013, p. 10).Show MoreRelatedCase Study : Andy Prescott s The Chief Of Vascular Surgery 2438 Words   |  10 PagesFrom: Gavin Mackersy Hull, B00687184 Subject: Ron Ventura At Mitchell Memorial Hospital Date: Sunday October 2, 2016 Problem Identification: Andy Prescott has to make a decision on whether or not to rehire one of his best employees. The problem is Andy performed a 360- degree performance review of the hospital and in doing so he found out that within the cardiovascular department the surgeons and physicians don’t get along well with Ron Ventura the chief of vascular surgery (Frank Heide, 2013)Read MoreEssay on Bilingual Education: Exploring an Educational Issue1125 Words   |  5 Pagesis fluent in French will learn English easily because they have already learned the fundamental processes of the first language. (Schà ¼tz, 2007) Supporters of bilingual programs point to studies such as the research done by Thomas and Collier, who are both professors at George Mason University. They’ve done a study on bilingual education, which is an extensive review of student records from 1982 to 2000. It found that English language learners achieve better in academics over the long term if EnglishRead MoreEssay on Short Term Pastoral Counseling Final15227 Words   |  61 PagesTimothy 3:16-17; Ephesians 1:7) I will be using the solution-based, short-term pastoral counseling model based on Kollar’s (2011) Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling, and Hawkins’ Pastoral Counseling Scenario and Assessment Model. Upon reviewing the case study Crossroads: A Story of Forgiveness, I have chosen Brody as the counselee who will be participating in the counseling process. Brody is a â€Å"S/I† personality type and exhibits â€Å"S† behaviors such relating best to a relaxed leader, being motivated byRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 PagesStatistical Association’s Joint Committee with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics on Curriculum in Statistics and Probability for Grades K–12. In addition to her texts in introductory statistics, Roxy is also co-editor of Statistical Case Studies: A Collaboration Between Academe and Industry and a member of the editorial board for Statistics: A Guide to the Unknow n, 4th edition. Outside the classroom and the ofï ¬ ce, Roxy likes to travel and spends her spare time reading mystery novels. She

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