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Monday, December 16, 2019

Descriptive Essay Camping Gone Wrong - 834 Words

Camping Gone Wrong By:Ryleigh Meadows â€Å"This trip is going to be so fun!† I said. We are going to Hueston Woods.I have been here before and it is super fun. You go to haunted houses, there are trails, bike paths and my favorite thing of all is doing th-, â€Å"RYLEIGH†,my mom yelled.,†Did you get your tennis shoes?†, â€Å"yes mom†, I yelled. My mom was in the basement so that’s why we were yelling to each other. I got my blankets that I was taking, I got my toothbrush and my hairbrush and my bag and I got in the car. My family got my dogs and their leashes and put them in the car. It was about 5:30 so it was time for dinner. We stopped at chipotle cause that was close to Hueston woods. We ate inside so our car†¦show more content†¦That night we ate dinner, then we went to a haunted house there. It was very fun but scary. Then it was movie time and you went down to a shelter and watched a movie. The movie playing was Ratatouille. Then we got tired so we went to bed. On Saturday you go trick or treating around the campground. Today was Saturday, so we ate breakfast, then we went to all of the contest, which was best costume, best facepaint, best dog’s costume. We won best dog costume. Then I started getting ready for trick or treating. I got my hair ready and my outfit on it was super hot outside. I was a gypsy for Halloween. Then we got all done with trick or treating. Me, my sister, Ella, Will and Allie all went on a bike ride. I was going down a big hill and I just got my training wheels off. I didn’t really know how to ride a bike down a big hill, really well, but I tried it. My hands were shaking because I didn’t know how to ride my bike that good. I fell down the hill and scraped my leg down the hill my leg was just all bloody. Ella’s brother, Will, ran to get my mom. My dad got up and came and got me in the car because I could not walk and I was bleeding everywhere I had scraped the road . My mom put rubbing alcohol on my leg and it really burned. Then she put bandaids on my legs so it would hold the blood and not come out. Then I laid down so my leg would heal. My mom came in and asked,†Are you feeling better?† I said,† Yes! I still hurt but feel muchShow MoreRelatedFor Against by L.G. 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